Last sunday I felt (as always) very much at home at Ronald v/d Molen's church. ( He had asked me to preach on one of the miracles from John 5 where a paralyzed man is healed by Jesus. I started off my preaching by asking if anyone had pain in their left ankle. Sure enough there was a woman who the previous day could not walk because of the pain there. She normally does not attends Ronald's church, but was there sunday. Sure enough, after praying for her, all pain was gone. What a great gift from God to that woman.
Also, last week doing grocery shopping at Albert Hein I ran into a mother of one of the kids's who comes to our kid's club. She told me that she had back pain. I prayed for here then and there and all pain left. It was great getting to watch here carry her groceries without any pain. God is good. :-)
Last sunday I felt (as always) very much at home at Ronald v/d Molen's church. ( He had asked me to preach on one of the miracles from John 5 where a paralyzed man is healed by Jesus. I started off my preaching by asking if anyone had pain in their left ankle. Sure enough there was a woman who the previous day could not walk because of the pain there. She normally does not attends Ronald's church, but was there sunday. Sure enough, after praying for her, all pain was gone. What a great gift from God to that woman.
Also, last week doing grocery shopping at Albert Hein I ran into a mother of one of the kids's who comes to our kid's club. She told me that she had back pain. I prayed for here then and there and all pain left. It was great getting to watch here carry her groceries without any pain. God is good. :-)