Today our lesson was about "anger not producing anything good." We spoke about the Molukse people who came to Holland around 60 years ago and suffered much injustice at the hands of the Dutch. However, some Indonesian young people reacted in anger and committed some acts of violence. One of them was Tom Polnaya (link is in dutch). This man as a teenager took part in taking a school over and holding hundreds of kids and schoolteachers hostage in 1977. Since then he has apologized for his actions and is totally against his actions that he took part in then. We used his story of an example how "two wrongs don't make a right" and that acting our of uncontrolled anger always creates victims. Whether that be others or even the person self.

In the middle of the kid's club, one child raised his hand and said he saw a shooting yesterday where a man was shot and killed. Half of the kids were witnesses to that. I feel suddenly that I am in New York City and not in Amsterdam West. Our city needs peace and hopefully these children can bring peace to our city as they continue to grow up.


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