Remembering the Suffering of Christ in Prayer
Remembering the Suffering of Christ in Prayer
To remember Jesus is to remember his cross.” John Knox.
Learning how to grow in prayer is not always easy. I remember as a teenager running out of what to say after a few minutes of talking to God. Yet one of the best ways to grow in prayer, is by applying scripture to our lives. One of my friends defines prayer as "telling God what he told you to tell him."
As we tap into scriptures, we begin to find untapped and unlimited rooms full of hidden treasures and truths which can literally change our lives. As the Holy Spirit speaks to us through Scripture, we begin to hear God's voice and everything changes. Here is one of my favourite ways to pray by going through the suffering (passion) of Christ. I have found that I can literally spend 30 minutes or more just thanking Jesus for what his death on the cross means to my life today.
An example of this would be simply to say, "Thank you God that because you sweat blood in the garden of Gethsemane, you took all of my fear, worry and depression so I could experience your peace now. I receive your peace which goes beyond my own understanding now" (Philippians 4:4-7).
Here are nine different moments from the suffering and resurrection of Jesus that I want to invite you to go meditate and pray through today.
- Jesus sweat blood for me- (Peace) He took our fear, darkness and depression so that we could experience peace (Mark 14:33-34; Luke 22:44)
- Jesus beard was ripped for me- (Identity)-He was beat, mocked and his beard was pulled out so that we could become children of God. His identity as God’s son was greater than what people said or did to him. (Isaiah 50:6, Matt 26:67,68, Jn 1:12).
- Jesus was crowned with thorns for me- (Blessing)- He became a curse so that we might be blessed. (Gen 3:17-18, Gal. 3:13, Ephesians 1:3).
- Jesus back was whipped for me - (Healing/shalom)- By his stripes we are healed. He was broken so that we might have true shalom. (Isaiah 53:4-5, Matt 8:17)
- Jesus hands were nailed for me- we are innocent, righteous)- He nailed to the cross all charges of guilt and condemnation. He disarmed powers and enemies and triumphed over them on the cross. (Colossians 2:14-15)
- Jesus feet were nailed for me- (authority)- Everything is under his feet and he now sits at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. He has placed Satan under our feet and every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that he is Lord. (Eph. 1: 15-23, Rom. 16:20, Romans 8:34, Phil 2:8-11).
- Jesus said "It is finished" and died for me (done)- All righteousness is compleste. We don’t have to earn God’s love or righteousness. It is finished (Jn 19:30, Heb 10:10-14).
- Jesus was spear in his side for me- (Radical love) He gave everything for us, his blood and water because he loves us so. His heart was pierced and broken literally so that our heart could be whole. (Jn 19:34; 15:13).
- Jesus was risen for me- (Resurrection Power) Everything is possible for him who believes. Death could not hold on to him and will not hold on to us. Through Jesus we have eternal life and there is nothing impossible for him. The same Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead resides in us. (Marc. 9:23, 1 Cor 15: 54, 55; Rom. 8:11,Jn. 11:25).