Equipping Others So that the Work Keeps Going On

"A leader's lasting value is measured by succession." -John Maxwell

The goal of ministry is to empower and equip others to succeed so that when you are not around, the work keeps going on. Here are some stories of some great successes we have seen (and continue seeing).

New Life West's Ten Year Anniversary
     In 2006, we started our church in Amsterdam with two families in our living room. On June 19th, 2016 we will be celebrating this and ordaining Rene and Riske de Cock as the new pastors of our church. Rene and Riske have been with us for eight years and it is wonderful to see them step into their calling as pastors. Our vision is to focus on planting new churches and helping others to train other churches throughout Europe to do the same. Right now I am overseeing 4 groups that are meeting in other parts of the country and in other languages. We look forward to seeing them grow as we have more time to invest in them and seeing New Life become not just one church but a movement in Holland. The work keeps going on.

(In Prague, Czech Republic with the Fiege Family)

Willem together with his wife and kids have spent the last eight months traveling through out Europe in a mobile home doing street evangelism in different cities. Our families were able to connect in Czech Republic, where he told me what he had just experienced in Budapest.

            "Matt, I want you to know that the results of your visits to  Budapest, Hungary have been fantastic. The churches you have ministered in have seen their young people released to do ministry...it is very clear that your visits have been like a catalyst to help start a new movement. We have been able to spend the last three weeks sharing the gospel on the streets and seeing people choosing for Christ and getting baptized. It has been phenomenal getting to build on the work that you and your ministry team helped to start in Budapest." The work keeps going on.

(Iskandar holding up an empty wheelchair after it's owner was healed).


Every week Matt spends time with Iskandar praying for people on the streets and activating other believers in power evangelism (using the gifts of the spirit to do evangelism). After seeing people walking with crutches get healed, Iskandar said that he was going to pray for people in wheel chairs. Within a few days, he saw the first person in a wheel chair get healed.  The next week, he sent Matt the following message: "This weekend we saw three people get out of wheel chairs after we prayed for them." The work keeps going on.

 (Some children at one of the Kid's clubs in Czech).

Czech Republic

            We were able to go on a family mission trip to Czech republic.  We spent two weeks helping with kid's clubs,  teaching on the prophetic, praying for the sick and encouraging pastors and leaders. Eastern Europe has a very small amount of Christians and churches, so it really is a great privilege and pleasure see what God is doing with a new generation of Christians in Czech.  The work keeps going on!

Family Corner

        Benjamin (4) has started elementary school and can be a bull in a china shop with his loud voice and curiosity. Levi (7) is always ready to tell Bible stories to his teachers and to ask Jesus for a picture for people. Hannah (9) is doing fantastic with her piano playing and really enjoys singing. Judah (11) will start middle school next year in a huge school. We are happy to share that there will be some Christian class mates in his class.

Thank You!

Thanks to people like you who faithfully support us financially and spiritually, we  can keep doing what we are doing. We can continue to take the love and power of God to new places in Europe and throughout the world. Thanks to you, the work keeps going on!

If you want to send a financial gift online you can click here. If you want to send a check in the USA send it to World Missions Ministries, PO Box 12609, OKC, OK 73157. Make your check to World Missions Ministries & include the #35021S in the memo.
In the Netherlands you can give to:
Stichting New Life Netwerk NL38 INGB 0002 9132 16 o.v.v. Acts 1:8 Mission
Stichting New Life Netwerk is registered as an ANBI and all gifts are tax-deductible in the Netherlands.
Thank you very much for being a part of our lives and ministry.
Matthew, Femke, Judah, Hannah, Levi, and Benjamin Helland


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