Transformation Is A Way Of Life With Jesus Christ

Transformation Is A Way Of Life With Jesus Christ

"If we want to remain ourselves, we need to be continually changing. The future starts today. Will you come with me?" -Willem Sandberg, Dutch Artist

38Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call.” Acts 2:38-39

         Following Jesus is not about just knowing the right information, but continual growth and life transformation. By knowing Him we can experience the reality of God and his kingdom now. Our lifestyle can be like salt, making people thirsty to experience God. Yet, the only way that we can touch hearts is by making ourselves vulnerable and daring to open our hearts to God so that he can change us first. Then we can open our hearts others so that they can see Christ for themselves in us. The most credible way we can share Jesus Christ with others is by a lifestyle that is continually being changed by Him. When this happens, change can take place naturally in our lives and in the lives of people around us.

Repentance Is A Way of Life.
         Just like cross-continental jets are often knocked off course due to bad weather conditions, so we too can lose our bearings in life. If we are not careful, we can be motivated by fear, insecurity, anger, pride, lust, greed and other things which have nothing to do with following Christ.  Peter was motivated by Satan himself when he told Jesus that he was not going to be crucified (Matt. 16:23). James and John were rebuked by Jesus when they wanted to murder Samaritan villagers by calling down fire from heaven (Luke 9:55). Jesus continually was astounded by his follower's unbelief (Luke 8:25). This is why we daily must examine our hearts and realign the course of our lives to that of our Heavenly Father. (See blog post on the daily examen).  Praying "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us" is not a one time event, but something that should happen daily. Our goal is not just forgiveness, but becoming like Jesus.

Baptism Is A Way Of Life
         Baptism is a symbol of being buried with Christ and living in the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit. Though we may only need to go into the baptism waters once, we need to daily deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow him (Luke 9:23). This entails placing our relationships, sexuality, finances, work and every aspect of our lives under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. For some this may sound oppressive, but it is actually freeing. It is like having a master gardner come and cultivate our hearts to grow beautiful flowers and fruit that will be evident to everyone  around us (Gal. 5:22-23). What is inside of us will come out (Luke 6:45).

Being Filled With The Holy Spirit Is A Way Of Life
         The word filled in Ephesians 5:18 where it says to "be filled with the Holy Spirit" can actually be translated as to "be continually filled." We may have an experience of being baptized in the Holy Spirit, but we need to be continually filled, washed, and renewed by his Spirit. I love operating in the gifts of the Spirit, but the greatest gift is not prophecy or healing, it is the Holy Spirit himself.

Sharing the Love and Power of Jesus Is A Way of Life
         This is not a promise only for certain individuals, but for our children and all who follow Jesus (Acts 2:17-18). The presence of the Holy Spirit is like a river which changes a desert into a forest of living plants and animals. This is what his Spirit does to the dry and dead areas of our lives (Isaiah 35:1-2, Ez. 37 and 47). True personal change can be like leaven which influences not just our own lives, but entire families and communities as well.  
         A revival or move of God will not take place in our communities until we first allow his spirit to move in our own hearts and continually allow him to change us by living a lifestyle of repentance, baptism, and being continually filled with his Holy Spirit. This is crucial to see real life transformation. Let us not talk about change; let us be the change. Let us not curse the darkness, but let us allow the light of Jesus to remove any darkness from inside of us first. Then, and can we be like candles that shine his love, light, hope and life into the dark places in our world (John 8:12).  


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