Hellands Update: Ukraine, FEED People, and Euro Day of Prayer and Fasting

Crisis in the Ukraine
The people of the Ukraine are facing a humanitarian crisis in the east of their country due to a war. Our churches there are doing there best to alleviate the suffering there by delivering food, (winter) clothes, and medicine. Earlier this year however, IPHC Pastor Roman Gorobchenko was bringing supplies to victims of the war when he was tragically killed in an accident. He left behind his church, widow and and two children behind.
(Here I am with Pastor Roman's Widow and Daughter) 
After hearing about this tragedy, the leaders of the International Pentecostal Churches (IPHC) in Europe decided to raise an offering for the widow of Pastor Roman as well as for the ongoing relief work for the victims of the war. On October, 23, 2015, I, together with the leaders of People to People Europe, were able to bring them an offering of 12,000 euros for these two causes. This money came from churches in six different European nations and marks the beginning of a greater level of IPHC European churches working together.
(Photo of us bringing the special offering to the Leaders of the Church in the Ukraine) 
On November 6, 2015, leaders from Romania, the Ukraine, Hungary, Spain, Belgium, England and Holland came together in Amsterdam for a People to People European Summit. The new name for this ministry will be F.E.E.D (Foundation for Educational and Economic Development) People. We will be raising money from Europe for humanitarian projects in Eastern Europe and around the world. We hope that we will see millions of euros raised to impact millions of people who live in poverty. We believe that when we priorities prayer and giving to the poor, then God can really bless us (Acts 10:4).

(Leaders from 7 different European nations at the FEED People Summit in Amsterdam)

European Day of Prayer and Fasting
On January 16, 2016, we are going to be doing a European International day of Prayer and Fasting. On that day, churches will be getting together in cities such as Kiev (Ukraine), Budapest (Hungary), Madrid (Spain) and Nottingham (England). We will spend the day praying for churches throughout Europe. Our dream is that God will cause us to become a European movement that in the coming decades will make thousands of new disciples, plant thousands of new churches and raise millions of euros to feed the poor. We believe that this can only happen as we seriously engage in prayer and radical generosity. 

For our time in Nottingham, we are adding some special meetings where there will be time for healing and prophetic prayer. As you can see in the flyer, we are expecting an explosion of healings and miracles to take place there. I will be taking a team from Holland and meeting up with leaders there from throughout North Western Europe to pray and seek God to lead us in 2016 that we can see a year of explosions of miracles and not just a few days. 


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