Highlights from the Psychic Fair Outreach this Weekend

       For the last few years, I have been regularly going to the Paranormale Beurs (Psychic Fairs) to share the love and power of Jesus Christ. Last weekend, I again saw many people healed as I prayed for them in Jesus name and also received a lot of revelation (words of knowledge, words of wisdom, & prophecy) about their lives.  One young man (pictured above) brought a microphone to my table for a radio program he was making. He asked if he could interview me. I said sure. Here is a short clip of that conversation:
       My name is Matthew and I operate from my source Jesus Christ. When I was six months old, he healed me of Cerebral Palsey. I was supposed to never be able to walk or talk and yet here I am. I am a walking miracle and testimony of the power of Jesus. I love to give spiritual gifts of healing and revelation from Jesus. How can I help you?

       "Well, can you tell me my future, " said the young man with a microphone pointed at me.

       "Pick a card," I responded.

       In front of me I have fifty different scripture cards of which he randomly picked, "You will be my child, and I will be your Father says the Lord God Almighty." 1 Corinthians 6:18

       This immediately enabled me to tell him about God's desire to know him as a Father knows a son. Not as something religious, but something intimate, real, and close. As I continued speaking, the Holy Spirit gave me more information about his life and things he was worried about.  He was visibly amazed as he said everything I was saying to him was true. I got to pray with both him and his friend who was there and give them the book "Source of LivingWater" (click on the book title to read this book online) which explains how they can get to know my source, Jesus Christ.

       Earlier that day, two other women came to my table asking if I could remove pain in one of their jaws. Immediately, after prayer, the pain was gone.  However, the highlight of that conversation was when I turned to the other friend and started telling her about her work and what she needed to do in the next three to six months. The information was extremely detailed and she was overwhelmed with how accurate it was.
       It is a divine moment when God begins to speak so accurately to someone's life. He does this to show people that he is real and that he knows them and loves them. Using the gifts of the spirit in evangelism or power evangelism is a lot of fun. I love to demonstrate God's power and presence and do it the way the Apostle Paul did when he said, "my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God. (1 Cor. 2:4-5)
       God is real. He speaks, heals, and touches people today and it is an honor to see him do this at churches, workplaces, on the streets and yes even at psychic fairs.



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