Four Keys to Growing in Prayer

"Devote yourself to prayer..." Colossians 4:2

"How can I learn to pray better?" - an experienced Pastor

Prayer can be difficult. It can feel like going to the dentist; something we know is good and necessary, but would rather leave for another day. It can feel as exciting as watching paint dry or that we are talking to the air and that our prayers are not going higher than the roof.  What are some keys to growing in prayer so that it becomes dynamic and life giving instead of feeling like having to take another visit to the dentist?
1) Faith[1] - the first element we need to pray long is to believe that God will not just hear us, but that he will reward us for sincerely seeking him (Hebrews 10:6).  One reason that we don't pray is because we doubt or are afraid that if we pray for something we will be disappointed.
            This is also a reason that we don't pray for things such as healing. What if people don't get healed when we pray for them? Stop! Doubt your doubts. Know that God heals and not us. Relax and pray for people, pray for situations and expect God to work through your prayers. Have faith and pray like a little child believing that there is truly nothing impossible for your Papa God.

2) Intimacy - I have caught myself praying trying to get things from God, but then he told me to just be with him.  We are human beings and not human doings, but so often we use God simply trying to get what we want. See prayer as a time of simply getting to hang out with your Papa God (Romans 8:15). We hate it when people selfishly use us, so let us not do the same with God.

3) Responsibility - John Wesley once said, "God only works on earth in answer to the prayers of a believer." We have an interdependent relationship with God where we need him and he needs us to do his work. God does not send angels to make disciples and share his message, he sends us and the primary way we carry out his work begins with prayer. Who prayed for you to come to know Christ? Someone prayed for us to know Christ and so God wants to use us to see individuals, families, cities and even nations come to know Jesus through our prayers.

4) Revelation - When we talk to God, he will speak back to us. As we cultivate and prioritize our time with God, we can develop a dynamic prayer life where it is normal to hear God speak to us.I was once asked if God always speaks to me. To which I answered, "Yes, God is always speaking to me, but I am not always listening."

Jesus said, “... keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  Luke 11:9

So today keep praying full of faith expecting your prayers to change lives. Primarily your own as you develop a more intimate relationship with your Papa God.

[1] Banning Liebscher in his book Jesus Culture (2009) shares these four keys for being able to persevere in prayer. pg. 155-161. 


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