Healings This Week

Tuesday one of my friends told me, "my nose has been bleeding for days now and it won't stop." I told him to give me his hand and I told the bleeding to stop in Jesus name. Since then, it has not bled once. Later that day, another person at the office I work out of told me that he has back pain that he will have the rest of his life. I offered to treat his back and to his astonishment the pain left. Today (three days later) he says that the pain has not returned.

Also, on Wednesday I went with Hans de Boer to downtown Amsterdam where we got to pray for people on the street. Everyone we prayed for experienced something (pain leaving, a warmth, etc) in their bodies when we prayed for them. Also, yesterday, while buying some new shoes, I saw that the sales lady had just sprained her ankle. I prayed and it was not healed immediately, but I am glad that I offered to pray. My attitude is simply to pray and believe and perhaps not everybody will be healed every time, but a lot more people will be healed than if I never do pray for anyone. I am not the one who heals, but Jesus is. Go Jesus!!


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