Jesus Still Heals Today!

One week, my good friend, Iskander told me, "Matt, I am going to pray for people with crutches and believe that they are going to be healed."

The next week, he told me that he had seen his first person in downtown amsterdam with crutches healed. On that same day, we also saw a young Spanish boy healed and able to walk without his crutch anymore.

It was then that he told me, "Matt, now I am going for people in wheelchairs."

The next week, he told me he had seen the first person in a wheelchair healed so that they could stand up and walk. It was awesome!

Then he went to a large Dutch Christian conference to be part of the prayer team to pray for the sick (Opwekking 2016). He stood at the wheelchair section and kept praying for people in wheelchairs. Three people in wheel chairs were healed that weekend. One of them was Marije de Vries.

Marije had been operated due to a bone that was growing out of the side of her foot. Because of the malformation of her foot she had had pain in her back and hips all throughout her life. Now that she was finally old enough for the operations, she had decided to be operated on.

They doctors cut and pasted different bones and tendons to her foot so that she would be able to walk normally. The recovery time was supposed to be at least three months and she would have pain for at least a year. That was until Jesus healed her at the Opwekking conference.

It had been a month since the operation and Marije found herself asking God for healing. Iskander, along with others, repeatedly prayed for her Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Instead of the pain becoming less, it became greater.  This became especially so after she had slipped and fallen on it. However, she was determined to not stop praying for her complete healing.

Monday she refused to go home before she was prayed for again. She found Iskander and Daniel van Deutekom and asked them to pray for her more. The two prayed for her repeatedly until the healing started taking place. Marije went from having severe constant pain to being able to run while pushing her wheelchair without any pain.

Unfortunately, Marije still had to wait two weeks before her cast could be removed. However, The doctors were astounded when they removed the cast. Her foot was completely healed and she was free to do whatever she wanted. Marije's healing illustrates the importance of not giving up when praying for people' healing. If Marije had given up after receiving prayer on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, then she may have not been healed on Monday. Perseverance in prayer is necessary for everyone who wants to see people get healed through prayer.

Here is the video you can see from right after she experienced her healing!


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