Baptism Stories

Baptism Stories Yesterday at New Life West we got to celebrate the decision of six people from our church who decided they wanted to be baptized. One of them was Levi, my seven year old son. Let me allow them to tell you why they wanted to be baptized. "My name is Sylvia and I am the mother of two beautiful children. I always grew up believing in God, but when the father of my children died, I decided to forget God. When my children had some difficulties at their old school, I discovered some very sweet people at the Christian school "Veerkracht." They told me about New Life West and that is where I took part in the Alpha Course. That started my journey of once again, slowly but surely, finding God again. I started reading my Bible and praying again. Little by little I started experiencing more peace in our home. When things are difficult, I feel like God is leading me. Now I am standing here before all of you because I know that I am God's dearly b...