
Showing posts from November, 2015

Highlights from the Psychic Fair Outreach this Weekend

       For the last few years, I have been regularly going to the Paranormale Beurs (Psychic Fairs) to share the love and power of Jesus Christ. Last weekend, I again saw many people healed as I prayed for them in Jesus name and also received a lot of revelation (words of knowledge, words of wisdom, & prophecy) about their lives.  One young man (pictured above) brought a microphone to my table for a radio program he was making. He asked if he could interview me. I said sure. Here is a short clip of that conversation:               My name is Matthew and I operate from my source Jesus Christ. When I was six months old, he healed me of Cerebral Palsey. I was supposed to never be able to walk or talk and yet here I am. I am a walking miracle and testimony of the power of Jesus. I love to give spiritual gifts of healing and revelation from Jesus. How can I help you?   ...

Four Keys to Growing in Prayer

"Devote yourself to prayer..." Colossians 4:2 "How can I learn to pray better?" - an experienced Pastor Prayer can be difficult. It can feel like going to the dentist; something we know is good and necessary, but would rather leave for another day. It can feel as exciting as watching paint dry or that we are talking to the air and that our prayers are not going higher than the roof.  What are some keys to growing in prayer so that it becomes dynamic and life giving instead of feeling like having to take another visit to the dentist?             1) Faith [1] - the first element we need to pray long is to believe that God will not just hear us, but that he will reward us for sincerely seeking him (Hebrews 10:6).  One reason that we don't pray is because we doubt or are afraid that if we pray for something we will be disappointed.             This is also...