Celebrating New Life in May: Baptisms and Dedications

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dedicating Bradley
One of the Children we could dedicate to God
Celebrating New Life: Baptisms and Dedications
In the month of May we were privileged to baptize seven adults and dedicate four children. Pictures are worth a thousand words so we want to share the pictures and a short description of why these people chose to follow Jesus in baptism.
nesse dopen
Nesse-“My parents actually come from the Muslim faith so it may seem very strange that I am standing here today wanting to be baptized and follow the Christian faith. Last December, I met Femke and she introduced me to a life with Jesus and I have also discovered that I have a large loving family I did not know that I could have. I want this not only for myself, but today I want to dedicate my youngest two children to Jesus as well. I want them to experience this new life of following Jesus with me. I want to follow him.”
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Sarah - “I come from a family where everyone is atheist. Last year I went through the Alpha Course and was so happy to get to know God. Now I go every week to a house group which I really enjoy. I want to be baptised to symbolize the new life that I am experiencing with God in my life.”
Matthijs dopen handen omhoog
Matthijs“I accepted Christ around 13 years ago but was not baptized. Last year I went through a crisis in my faith. God seemed to be distant and I did not really know if I loved him. I started a journey meeting with different people and seeking God. That journey has led me to where I am today standing before you about to be baptized. In Galatians it speaks of baptism being like putting Christ on as you put on clothing. I want to put on Christ and daily experience God as a heavenly Father who loves me and is close by to me every day."
Rosemary certificate
“A year ago I started coming to this church and it has been one of the greatest things I have ever done. I always believed in God, but I never knew him. In this last year I have gotten to know Jesus very well. I spend at least an hour reading my Bible and praying. I am always talking to Jesus and and I feel his presence. Every Sunday I am so excited to get to go to church. I love Jesus and I love New Life West.”
Haidy gedoopt
Haidy and Willy are from Suriname (South America) and live in Rotterdam. Willy’s sister Joyce (left in the picture) is a faithful member of our church. She has a passion to see her family to come to know the Lord. Joyce and Matt started meeting at Willy and Haidy’s house to have house church with their family members. About 8-12 people come together in their home, many of whom do not come from a Christian back ground. 
“God has done a lot in my life. He has given me more than I could ever imagine so when Matt talked to my about baptism I thought, ‘Of course, why not.’ I want to follow Jesus and I want my kids to follow him as well. I am very grateful for what he has done in my life.”
Willy gedoopt
“I have always believed in Jesus but when Matt and my sister came from Amsterdam to Rotterdam to begin a new house group they talked to me about being baptized. I realized that I never had made that conscience choice. Jesus himself was perfect and he himself was baptized by his cousin John. I want to follow Jesus and his example. This is why I want to be baptized.”
We baptised Leo’s wife (left in the picture) Jolanda 3 years ago. She invited her husband as well as her friend Rosemary (see picture above). She helped baptize both of them!
leo gedoopt
“One day someone at New Life West asked me if I had given my life to Christ. I realized that I had never done that so I started studying more about Jesus Christ. After studying more, I came to the conclusion that Jesus really was raised from the dead. This is why I wanted to give my life to him and today want to be baptized just as he was.”
Why are there different people baptizing people?
As you will notice in the pictures, different people are baptizing people with me. At our church, whoever leads a person to Jesus gets to baptize them as well. Jesus told all of us to go to all the world and baptize people in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Your faithful prayers and financial support have been crucial for us to sharing the gospel and leading these people into the waters of baptism. Thank you!
kids orange
Family News
One of the things that really excites us that our oldest children have been joining Matt when he get’s asked to preach. Judah, Hannah and their friends from church help Matt pray for the sick. They are very excited about praying for people and seeing God heal! It is really a boost in their personal faith! Levi is 6 and will go to 1st grade next year. Benjamin is 3 and enjoys pre-school. All of them are passionate about soccer: after the summer Levi, Hannah and Judah will be in soccer. We will take them to watch Holland play the US next week! Go Holland and USA :-) They can’t wait!
Benjamin laughing
Benjamin being tickled by his big brother
How to Help!
We are so thankful for so many friends and families who support us in prayer and financially so that we can do what we are doing. If you want to send a financial gift online you can click here. If you want to send a check in the USA send it to World Missions Ministries, PO Box 12609, OKC, OK 73157. Make your check to World Missions Ministries & include the #35021S in the memo.
In the Netherlands you can give to:
Stichting New Life Netwerk 2913216 o.v.v. Matt en Femke Helland.
Stichting New Life Netwerk is registered as an ANBI and all gifts are tax-deductible in the Netherlands.
Thank you very much for being a part of our lives and ministry. We wish you all a wonderful spring and summer.
Matthew, Femke, Judah, Hannah, Levi, and Benjamin Helland


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