
Showing posts from January, 2015

Healings This Week

Tuesday one of my friends told me, "my nose has been bleeding for days now and it won't stop." I told him to give me his hand and I told the bleeding to stop in Jesus name. Since then, it has not bled once. Later that day, another person at the office I work out of told me that he has back pain that he will have the rest of his life. I offered to treat his back and to his astonishment the pain left. Today (three days later) he says that the pain has not returned. Also, on Wednesday I went with Hans de Boer to downtown Amsterdam where we got to pray for people on the street. Everyone we prayed for experienced something (pain leaving, a warmth, etc) in their bodies when we prayed for them. Also, yesterday, while buying some new shoes, I saw that the sales lady had just sprained her ankle. I prayed and it was not healed immediately, but I am glad that I offered to pray. My attitude is simply to pray and believe and perhaps not everybody will be healed every time, but a lot...

Healing Through a Text (SMS) Message

(Robert de Boer Speaking in Hungary) Today at my work I felt warmth suddenly coming upon my shoulders. I had the impression that this was something God was doing but I did not give much attention to this. Later that day, my colleague told me that her sister had pain in her body. Because I knew her sister a little, I sent her at text message on my phone and asked her where she had pain. She answered that she has had pain in her shoulders and neck for a while and wanted to know if I could pray for her. I had already prayed earlier for her back pain from which she was healed. Because I did not want to wait to pray for her, I decided to send her a text message. I texted her, "When you read this you are going to feel something in your shoulders and you are healed in Jesus name."   I did not get a reply immediately, but then I got a message back that she felt warmth in her shoulder and that the pain was almost totally gone. Then I sent her another text message that said, ...

Humility is the Most Practical Response to Terrorism

As a follower of Jesus Christ, my sincere attitude towards my Muslim neighbors and friends is love, care and respect. I pray for true peace (paz, salam, shalom, vrede) in a world full of pride, arrogance and unfair caricatures which divide us (red vs. blue states, alochtone vs. autochtone, legal vs. illegal). Can we please throw away the labels and see every individual as a valuable person made in the image of God. Please spend time listening and sharing with people that believe and/or look different than yourself. This not only leads to enrichment but takes seriously the words of Jesus to "love your neighbor as yourself." –Facebook post after hearing of another terrorist attack committed by extreme radical Muslims.             I live in Amsterdam , Holland , one of the European cities with the highest population per capita of Muslim inhabitants. My neighbourhood is easily made up of 60%+ Muslim citizens. My attitude towards...

Two Leaders and Their Strategies to Conquer Humanity

Two Leaders and their Strategies to Conquer Humanity [1] An enormous war is raging for all of humanity. On one side is Lucifer, the lord of darkness, whose name ironically means angel of light. On the other side is Jesus Christ, calling his troops to overcome evil with good. [2] Let us examine the strategies of these two generals and their armies. Lucifer Use you imagination and visualize the throne of the evil one with smoke coming out and a huge company of demons with their hooks, chains and weapons of torture listening to their leader at his capital in Babylon . Hear the demons squeal and squeak in delight as they hear their leader describe their strategy for the domination of humanity. “My dear military, we will continue to  go forth to conquer all of humankind. Our enemies can never win against our strategy. I am assigning each and every one of you to different nations, cities, families and individuals where you may all create havoc, disorder and destruction. We wi...