Healings (Fibromyalgia, Carpal Tunnel, Chronic Back & Shoulder Pain, knees, etc)
One young woman had been suffering for five
years with a debilitating muscle sickness called Fibromyalgia. Her muscles
would lock up and keep her from being able to function. After praying for her
on a recent trip she began saying that she could do things she had not done in
years. The next day she walked for six hours straight in a busy downtown center
without having any pain. She can now run, jump, bike and function normally. The
crippling sickness is gone in Jesus name.
The worship leader of our church, Robert, was
at a relative’s birthday party where he began sharing stories of recent
healings. His cousin told him that his uncle had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in his
hand and wrist. His uncle had not felt his fingers in years. When Robert prayed
for him, he felt tingling and warmth come into his hand. He gained his feeling
back instantly, something he hand not felt in eleven years.
As news spread throughout Robert’s
family and workplace that he could pray for the sick, one colleague brought his
sister to work who suffered with pain in her back, arms and shoulders. He
noticed that one of her legs was shorter than the other and as he prayed the
two legs evened out. She experienced warmth and tingling in her arms and it was
as if the pain left her body.
Someone else, Ben Kroeske, saw that a clerk at a
gas station has back pain as she moved around. He quickly grabbed her hand and
prayed for her. She was shocked to discover that all the pain was gone. God can
heal at any place and any time.
Matt coaches Judah’s (our oldest son)
soccer team. One of the Turkish’ fathers said he could not referee the game
because of back pain. Matt offered to remove that pain with prayer and that was
exactly what took place. It is beautiful to see God kingdom made tangible through
physical healing wherever we may go.
These are just a few of many more
stories which are beginning to become more common to hear about at our church,
New Life West. In Luke 10:9, Jesus told his disciples to, “Heal the sick and say the Kingdom
of Heaven has come near
you.” Healing the sick through prayer is something we should expect to see
when we pray in Jesus name.
(Matt together with Robert and Ben at a Psychic Fair)
One reason I believe we are
experiencing this increase in healings is because we are praying more often for
the sick. We regularly are going to psychic fairs where we can witness using
healing and prophecy to share the love of Jesus. But we are also looking for
opportunities to pray for people whether we are at the grocery store, soccer
field, gas field, office, etc. Not everyone whom we pray for gets healed, but
some people do get healed, and more importantly, everyone we pray for gets
touched by the love of Jesus.
As a young baby, Matt himself was
diagnosed with a crippling disease called Cerebral Palsey, from which he was
healed by the power of prayer. Healing the sick is not only for “Super
Christians”, but everyone who believes in Jesus. As it says in Mark 16:15, all
believers can “place their hands on sick
people and they will get well.” This is part of the gospel which is good
not just to read about, but a lot of fun to step out in faith and see take