Praying for Deaf People
A couple of years ago before speaking at Victory
Iglesia in Oklahoma City I sensed like the Lord wanted me to pray for people who were deaf.
The Wednesday evening when I came, I started right away calling people up and
prophesying over them. The Pastor, Moises Pichardo, told me later that many people watched me
incredulously wondering if I thought I was some kind of magician or something.
Still, I felt like God had told me to pray for deaf ears. I asked who had a deaf ear(s) and three people came forward
with a deaf ear. All three of them could hear out of their deaf ear once I
was done praying for them. Then a woman asked me if we could pray for her
nephew who was at the doctor right then for hearing tests. He wanted to play
sports, but because he was losing his hearing he was not going to be able to
I placed my hands on her in his place. Five minutes later, Moises
interrupted me with a text message from the mother of the boy. There was the
following message. “My son failed the hearing test three times today, but
five minutes ago he started hearing perfectly.” The mother at the doctors office did not know that five minutes
earlier we had prayed for him. The faith level in that room shot up amazingly. People
realized that this was not a show and that God was at work.