Why I am green! I took a test on the internet the other day which told me I am very "green" or (environmentally conscious). The real reason may be because I am cheap, but also because I find being a good steward of everything we have (including the environment) all over the Bible. Here are just a few verses however.
Genesis 1:28 God gives Adam and Eve the charge to care for all of the animals and all of the earth. They are to rule over it and subdue it. In other words care and protect it in the same way God protects us.
Romans 8:19-20 Creation is groaning under bondage and waiting for God's sons (true righteousness) to be revealed.
Hosea 4:1-3 Because of lying, murder, adultery, lack of love, selfishness and other sins the earth is dying. The fish of the sea, the birds of the air and animals are dying. The earth is mourning.
Isaiah 24:4 The earth is dying because of its peoples sins.
But...there is hope
2 Chronicles 7:14 promises that when people turn back to him he will heal them and their land.
Matthew 19:28 Jesus speaks of when everything will be renewed

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle is a great way to be a good steward of your money but also of your pocket book. I am fortunate to live in a city which is very green. Recycle bins are right outside of my house and public transportation is great. In fact, I bike everywhere I go. What a priviledge. A fantastic way to stay fit, save money (seen gas prices lately), and cause less pollution to the environment.
Also, the way the weather has been changing in Oklahoma, Holland and other places is amazing. We have actually had a hot summer in Amsterdam!! Tulsa had a huge ice storm and the number of tornadoes was ridiculous. Water in the canals don't freeze anymore in Holland during the winter and we have hardly any snow. Mor rain than anything. These are just a few of my thoughts on why I am green.


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