Lessons from the Movie Freedom Writers. Freedoms writers is based on a true story which took place in LA. Some lessons that can be learned from this movie include:
1) Cross-cultural issues..Many people who live in the inner-city live in a war zone where survival is all that matters and race has much to do with your chances of survival.
2) Life Changing Power of Community- Hilary Swank in this movie changes the life of her students by creating a multi-cultural community where everyone feels safe and accepted.
3) Importance of Personal Boundaries- Swank keeps no boundaries to safeguard her time with her husband. She get a divorce.
4) The Power of Stories- The Diary of Anne Frank captures the students attention because it is so related to their lives. The Bible, a book full of stories, can be used to show that God's story and his people's lives are just like ours.
5) Replicate your victories- Erin Gruwell, the name of the teacher upon whose story this is based on, went on to start a foundation and to write books to train other teachers to use the same kind of methods she used. We should also record our victories (and failures) to enable others to reach their own victories (and to avoid some of our failures).