May 31, 2018 Newsletter

The Helland's In Holland FOR OVER TWELVE YEARS OUR BASE HAS BEEN AMSTERDAM. IN THE LAST TWO YEARS, WE HAVE TEAMED UP WITH BRIGHT FAME, A MINISTRY IN AMSTERDAM’S RED LIGHT DISTRICT WHICH HELPS WOMEN GET OUT OF PROSTITUTION. FROM OUT OF THIS WORK WE ARE SEEING A NEW CHURCH COMMUNITY - IGLESIA VIDA NUEVA. OUR DREAM IS TO SEE NEW DISCIPLES MADE AND CHURCHES PLANTED IN AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND, EUROPE, AND BEYOND. THIS IS AN UPDATE OF WHAT WE HAVE BEEN EXPERIENCING LATELY. Ministry in Amsterdam's Red Light District (Standing at night in the center of the Red Light District) For nearly two years, we have been weekly visiting and serving individuals who work in Amsterdam's Red Light District. For many, we have truly become their pastors. Often our Tuesday and Friday night Bible studies are overflowing with people coming to eat and share God's word and prayer. Nearly every week we see people get physically healed and touched by God's love and power. W...