Living in the Protective Presence of God

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forever. Psalm 125:1, 2 (Two things you can always see in Santiago: the Andes Mountains and Smog) I spent many of my childhood years in Santiago, Chile, one of the cities with the highest level of air pollution in the world. This is because it sits in a valley surrounded with mountains so that all of the smog emitted by autos and factories cannot escape but remains building up in a city of over six million inhabitants. We, however, can be surrounded by God as the mountains around Santiago so that not smog, but the presence and goodness of God can be what we inhale and exhale daily in our lungs. During World War I and II the German's never occupied neutral Switzerland...