6 Principles for City Transformation Through Church Planting
Editor's Note: As executive catalyst for the church-planting network Mission Orange County, Chris Lagerlof works with churches in 34 cities in Orange County, Calif., to collaborate for the good of their cities and to plant churches that have a city focus. Here, Lagerlof reflects on more than 30 years of ministry experience to offer six practical principles any church leader can learn from as he focuses on making disciples in his context: 1. Don’t mistake participation for transformation. In Orange County, we get so excited about events and people showing up that we sometimes mistake big attendance for actual transformation. In church planting, a number of the models that have been embraced for the last 25 years are event-driven. They’re about the big events: the preview services and the launch. Church planters and their launch teams often become event planners rather than what they need to be: agents of change. 2. Develop a discipleship strategy before a planting stra...