Why "Evangelism" is so different in Post-Christian Culture? Tim Keller and Oikos Evangelism Tim Keller in this teaching articulates what I have experienced with regard to doing evangelism in a post-modern, post-christian society. Growing up in Latin America and inside of the Bible Belt of America, evangelism has been described as a program such as evangelism explosion or the 4 spiritual laws from Campus Crusade. Although these are incredibly great resources and methods, Why don’t they work so well as in these other settings. The answer is because people live in a setting where the gospel is extremely foreign to them. Most people I come in contact rarely believe in God, let alone understand the gospel. Many of them think they know all their is to know about Christianity and are not interested. Therefore evangelism become a lifestyle where you have to live the gospel through your life and less of a program to share. Keller quotes John Stott’s commentary on the book of Acts o...
Showing posts from October, 2007